Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My First Talk

Last week the young men and women along with our leaders traveled by bus to New York. We had fun on the bus, but the ride was very long. While we were there, we visited the church historical sites and saw the Hill Camorah Pagent. I enjoyed the pagent alot. My favorite part of the trip was when we went to the Sacred Grove. A couple of weeks ago, I asked my grandma, "how do you know you have a testimony, and if the church is true". After we talked for a whille, I was encourged to find out for myself. When we got to the Sacred Grove, a prayer was said by a leader & we all recited: Joseph Smith History 16-17. Then we all was given a letter written by a family member. As we reverently went in the grove, each found a quiet place to read our letter. After I read my letter, I closed my eyes prayed. I asked Heavenly Father, did Joseph Smith really see Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ in the grove of trees? Was Joseph Smith a true prophet? Were the things I had been taught by my parents, grandparents, teachers and church leaders true? I kept my eyes closed waiting for an answer. A warm felling came over me. I felt my prayer had been answered. I know that all these things are true. I know we also have a prophet on the earth today. Pres. Monson leads our church and guides us by revelation from our Father in Heaven. I know my prayers are heard and answered. I'm thankful for my family and leaders who help teach me the things that are right. I hope my testimony will grow stronger each day.
In The Name Of Jesus Christ,
I was scared to death, but I got through it. I guess I can do it again. But hopefully not anytime soon
Talk was given 27 July 2008


Megan said...

I wish I could have heard you speak in sacrament meeting, I bet you did a wonderful job!! I love you Brookie!!

Marla G~Ma of 15 said...

Brooke did a wonderful job. But talking in church doesn't get any easier, sorry to say! Love you Brooke. You are so special to Papa and myself.

Mikal said...

I am so proud of you Brooke! I am happy you wanted to know the truth. You don't have to take anyone else's word for anything when you have prayed to God for an answer. Continue to pray to Him. He loves you and will always give you true answers. Talking in public may not get easier for you, but you know you have done it once so you can do it again!

Ryan said...

I am so sorry I missed your talk.... I had to spend my whole summer in California getting married...how big of a loser am I? I wish I could have heard it. Everyone said what a wonderful job you did! Always strive to do the things that will help your testimony grown. Remember to keep an eternal perspective, pray always and know that even if there's not one other person that has any idea what you are feeling or going through, that your Savior does.

One of my favorite song goes: "How could He know the heartache I feel, when He lived a perfect life, from Gethsemane to Calvary was it really for me that he died? Then the Spirit whispers theses words ringing true.."From the Garden to the cross... He walked a mile in my shoes".